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Spring – Time to Invite the Newness In

I love Spring! Especially up here on the Highveld! Winter is brown and cold and there is a harshness to it that reminds us that Nature is actually in charge, not us. No matter how warm we make our homes, or how much we pull jerseys and jackets to keep the sniping Winter winds out. Winter has its way and we have no way of stopping or preventing it!
Then just before the arrival of Spring the final Winter winds begin to blow. And do they blow?! Almost unremittingly the Winter waste of brown leaves, brown dried grasses; the winter pollution of fires and industrial smoke that just seems to hang before winds come all get swept away by the sweeping hands of the final Winter blow.
These winds are the heralds of the beautiful times to come. They are the trumpets that sound the fanfare announcing the arrival of Spring; that magical time of renewal; of newness; of the promise of a fresh start; of buds that will bloom into beauty; a time to plant and to prepare.
Spring is also a time for us to fertilise and nourish the seeds of renewal we planted in Autumn to prepare ourselves for a new start, and healthier more productive and happier lifestyle. Once again this must be a conscious decision; and a conscious effort. Leave nothing to chance. Make yourself ready for the Spring rains that will be the final sign of the summer of growth that is just around the corner!

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